Sunday, May 17, 2009


I'm looking for a permanent job... It's quite long ago, since I came to KL on Jan... but till March, I still couldn't find one suitable job for myself and some of the application were unsuccessful. From that, I decided not to continue looking for jobs till my exam it's over..

And now, my exam will be over in 3 weeks time. So I started to look for jobs again. I went interview twice so far. Some jobs were offer by the employer and I also rejected some of the offers because it's not convenient for me.

Continue looking for jobs... =(

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


These 3 words.. "I DON'T KNOW", could be my favorite answer for everyone that ask me questions. No matter what kind questions or what.. I'll simply give them that 3 words.

The moment I entered the class just now:

Lecturer: "AunChee, how was your revision?"..

Me : HAR??.. I don't know..

Lecturer: Do something bout it.

Me : *smiled* ...

That's me!

Actually, sometimes I really don't know what to answer or I don't even bother to think and give a proper answer. I know sometimes ppl just don't like the way I answer them. But what to do... =P

Even sometimes ppl asked me question, they'll say "You sure going to answer.. I don't know!".. XD

Question: "Is it they like to talk with you because what also you don't know?"..

Answer: I DON'T KNOW!! ;)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's her BIRTHDAY!

Just wanna say:

Quote: We have no choice of what color we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once we're here.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


The Power of BELIEF

Believe In Yourself. You Gain Strength, Courage And Confidence By Every Experience In Which You Stop To Look Fear In The Face... You Must Do That Which You Think You Cannot Do.
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

It's a motivational poster bought by my sis & her bf. They gave it to ME!!