Friday, October 23, 2009

Busy week

This week is so Busy. Me & colleagues were so busy doing preparation for the exhibition in Singapore next week. It was like things not really plan and that's few thing we need to get it done ASAP, just to make sure it's ready before we going in.

Example like printing brochure, name cards, get table, delivery products & etc. Printing brochure is making me dizzy few days, and we don't even have the original file. Luckily, I found 1 supplier that the price for printing is really low. It's factory price. She didn't have in house designer which prefer artwork that ready to print. But, really thanks to her cuz willing to do the amendment and her patience with us.In the end, name cards also let her do the printing.

Today is BUSY day in the office, because of the delivery products down to Singapore. We're just afraid there's delay at the custom or what and the products can't be at the exhibition hall on time. Boss trying to look for few ppl helps and at least in the end back to the original ppl's help. The girl said the lorry coming at 1pm to pick up the things. We're so busy to label the lights, boxes, prepare the Invoice & packaging list. Doing the Invoice & packaging list are really killing. We print out a few times & keep making changes. Print like the paper is FREE!!.. When everything is done, can u IMAGINE the man said the lorry will do the pick up tomorrow morning?? After heard that, what would you feel?? *punch*

Just now in the office only I want booking online bus ticket. Then it's 3 of us. I'd to buy one by one cuz different dates & times back to KL. First, one way ticket i bought correctly seat is 7A. Then 2nd person, I click wrongly and get the seat 8B which should take 7B. I got shock and KIN CHEONG of making the mistake cuz I'd already make the online payment. I just say out the alphabet "F". Have to control cuz BOSS just sitting beside. =S

Me & Aziela (colleague) always say that we did everything in the office except clean up the toilets. And Aziela told me just now that she'd been UPGRADED!! lol..
Luckily, not ME! XD

Tomorrow have to work some more. It's just half day then Me & Aziela will go shopping & movie. At night, will meet up with my Boss for dinner at Iranian Restaurant.. NAAB!! =)

I'll be going Singapore next week for a week. Will be back to KL on Sunday (1/11) night. And won't be any updates till I get back to KL.

See you. Nitez!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tired day!

Guess what time I went to work this morning?? I reached my working place bout 7.20am just to get things done. Actually, yesterday should be working OT but 3 of us (colleague & me) went back early. Really lots of work to be done cuz of the coming exhibition.

We're so hardworking today, work till bout 8plus and decided to had dinner together only go home. We just went to nearby mamak restaurant, then while eating, I received a call from my boss. She says charge it to the petty cash. So it's just like free meal for working OT?? haha... Anyway, once a while it's ok!! =)

The exhibition is bout 2 weeks left, we're so busy lately to get the things done. Currently, we're busy looking for the acrylic display and the showcase display. We got no idea where to get it yet. So we might have to do some shopping those items needed.

Tired day! It's like in the office for more than 12 hours cuz loaded with work..

12 hours? Did I break own record for working so long?? The answer is "NO" because I work till almost midnight before. XD .. So far till now, it's just ONCE. =)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


First of all, thanks for the wishes!

Yesterday received a parcel from PG. It's a present from Pris & MLean. Like it!!
They wrote on the card "Both of us going to KILL you if didn't use it"!! =S

And today received a "present" from Institute also, it's EXAMINATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP!! =( .. It's bout 6 weeks left.

That's all.

Next update is tomorrow...